Orders, once placed, cannot be cancelled. We however allow exchanges in exceptional circumstances.
We are unable to accept returns. We however allow exchanges in exceptional circumstances. In the very rare instance that you receive a damaged product, Raas will replace the product at its cost, or issue you a full refund in case a replacement is not available. Please inform us at or or by call / Whatsapp on + 9199370 37072 within seven days.
We are unable to accept returns. We however allow exchanges in exceptional circumstances.
We allow you to exchange your product if you are not satisfied with it. Please ensure the product is returned in the condition you received it in, within 7 days of receipt. Please contact us at or by call / Whatsapp on + 9199370 37072 for further information. Please note you will be required to the bear the return cost, as well as the cost of sending the replacement product. As it is, no refund will be made. If the cost of the replacement is more than the cost of the original order, you will be required to pay the difference.